Coming to a place that you aren't very comfortable in, sharing a room with someone you've only talked to at school and living in a place that is completely different in all aspects... it's mind obliterating.
My mind runs in circles, constantly checking myself or continually asking myself if this is the place for me or if I am on the right path in college.
University of Birmingham is definitely not what I expected it to be at all. It is a special cup of tea for special people but I am disappointed to say it is not mine. And as things continuously tumble and slide out of my control in other aspects of my life, it is hard to still be something special here in Birmingham. I catch myself all the time focusing on all the bad situations more than I would like to. I can't help it, everyone does at some points. But it has really bugged me these passed few weeks. But when I really look at Birmingham and I really dig deep into the city, I find a few gems hidden out there in the world that keep me going.
The little things. Being here by myself. Living in an enormous city, that is so much different than my little country home. And empty study rooms that over look the city. Really have made me appreciate the little things in my life. Some things that I miss from home and some that I found in the trials of college. The little hidden gems in life are so underestimated. People just glance over them, like they are entitled to living a life full of luxuries. But honestly I wish more people saw the good in just the little thing. I wish they saw reward in just the little things. I wish they saw the charity in just the little things.
The world is full of little beauties. You just have to open your eyes, open your mind to find them. Appreciate them, love them and live them.
This past year has literally bulldozed right over me, spinning me and plunging me into life as it is, its always hard to find the good in things. Most of the time I wanna just sit in my bed and feel bad for myself. But these undervalued gems have gotten me through a pretty rough year. If you love life, then life will always love you back.
The little things. That's the key.