Thursday, January 14, 2016

In the Future...

In the future... What will you become? Where will you end up? Who will you end up with?
    You don't know. Nobody knows what will happen to them next. Something life changing could happen in a split second. Life is unpredictable, it twists and turns and makes you feel amazing at times and other times it could make you feel worthless.
    Don't spend every second wondering about your future. Do overthink what you will do because most times life will come and screw it up. Take moments as they come and enjoy every bit of it, you will never get that moment back, love it and cherish it. The things that make life worth living is not your big fancy job that pays a lot but you hate, it is not what grades you got in school, or what show came on last night. To me what makes life worth living is my family, my friends, my relationships and who loves and supports me. The journey is what makes life with living, growing into a better person, figuring out who I am on the inside. What matters is what you do with the time you are alive, and you don't have much. 
    Live the moments to the fullest, even if they are not the most comfortable moments. Embrace what life has in store for you, there is no reason not to! Give someone a compliment, make someones day, listen more to the details, and just be yourself, don't change for anyone. You are the way you are for a reason, embrace your interests and personality, there is not sense in holding in your intellect. Life may throw a curve ball every once in a while but just take it, catch it and roll with it. Don't worry about the future because you will spend your whole life wondering what it will be like, and the you will look back and ask yourself what happened, it went too fast. Cherish what you have and give back to those who aren't as fortunate, give thanks to those who provide and be positive. Life is only so short, why fill it with empty questions.