Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Behind The Scenes: Europe

     I often put up pictures with my stories and don't really explain them. Sometimes the pictures are not even related to my post, they are just pictures that I feel go with it. As I was going through my pictures today, I was reminiscing on my amazing trip to Europe last summer. I looked at those pictures and I just laughed. Some of the greatest times of my life were captured forever, and the stories behind the scenes just make it greater! I decided to share with you some of these amazing pictures.
     You could say this was our trip in one picture. Every single one of us are showing our love and excitement of our trip through this picture! After kissing the Blarney Stone in Blarney Castle which is pictured behind us, we wanted to express how happy we were to possible get AIDS. This was a stop on our way out of Ireland to Wales, we were just beginning to realize how amazing this opportunity was, especially with our friends.
     This picture made the entire trip the best! As you can see we stopped at Stonehenge on our tour of the UK. This was my most anticipated attraction of the whole trip! The guy in blue behind me, I met him in the Heathrow Airport in London and I introduced myself because I noticed he had a book bag on that was the same company sponsor that I had for my tour. I thought we were going to be traveling together, and all my friends were begging me to say something to him cause you know, if you are going to be traveling together, why not start early? He ended up not being in our tour group, but we did occasionally bump into his tour group. When this picture was taken I had no idea he was in the background mocking my pose! When I discovered it, it made our little meet in the airport, a fun memory and friendship forever captured in this picture.
*NOTE: Laura's face in the background.

     This pictures taken as we started our ascend to the top of King Arthur's Throne, a dormant volcano in Edinburg, Scotland. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! This hike was brutal, but well worth it! We woke up earlier than the rest of the tour group and conquered the volcano in 3 hours. It took us 3 hours, because we went up the wrong mountain as we discovered when we got to the top! It was full of complaining and lots of sweat stains but we were determined to do everything we could while we had the chance! We struggled but these people will forever be apart of this amazing memory.
NOTE: We are all smiling but we were crying on the inside.
     This picture is my absolute favorite picture from my trip to Europe! I love cows so much! Even where I live cows are a normality, but I still love every one of them! We were touring through Callender, Scotland and we stopped at this risky dink gift shop because some people had to use the bathroom. I didn't so I noticed two huge cows with super long hair, they were called Highland Cows. I had never seen these kinds of cows before so of course I had to go see them! Later I found out that the gift shop sells bags of vegetables to feed to them. SO OF COURSE I had to buy a couple bags! I stood there feeding the cows until we had to leave, that unexpected moment right there in Callender was one of the greatest moments of my trip!
     Looking back on this trip, I can't imagine it without my friends! They really made it a trip to remember! Everything from the late nights in the hotel rooms to trying to trying to find our way around the city, makes me wish I could just rewind and do it all over again! You guys are the best, I wouldn't have had such a great time without you! These pictures will forever be apart of me and so will you guys!