Thursday, February 25, 2016

More Than A Lady In Bed

     In my language class we had to write two stanzas in the style Edgar Allen Poe wrote the Raven. We had to have a certain rhyme scheme, certain syllables in each line and rhyme certain words, but we could write about anything we wanted to. I chose my mom.

     Once upon a midnight dreary, diapered filled air and feeling leery,
Doctors, nurses working hard and mother laying in the bed,
Wanting more than just an update, still I sat there hard to relate,
Feeling like a hospital inmate, cancer is what we dread,
Daughter who sit wishing for more than just what the doctors dread,
More than a lady in bed.
     My feelings are cluttered, my brain feels like mush, as nurses flutter,
Family waiting, friends scared, all confused as she lay in bed,
She is still strong, I admire this woman because she is headstrong,
Everyone longs to see her out of that disgusting sick bed,
Positivity has drugged her head, She is  the woman I most admire
More than a lady in bed