Monday, April 17, 2017

To My Best Friend...

     I know things have been tough lately. I know you feel like I am not here for you. But I am. I have been here since the beginning. I have been there every step of the way. I may not be upfront and center but I have always cheered you on in every decision you have made. You have stood by me for as long as I can remember, and I just want to say...
     Thank you for always being there when I needed you. For being selfless and listening to everything I had to get off my chest. For picking me up when I felt like I couldn't do it myself. Thank you for always being truthful with me. For being the type of person who has the ability to tell me I was wrong. And encouraging me to to better, be better and think better. Thank you for allowing me to express myself and to feel what I feel.
     Thank you for bringing joy to my life. For making me laugh so hard I my stomach muscles hurt, for the inside jokes and all of the monumental crazy situations we look back on and smile about. We understand each other on another level, that nobody else will. We know what pushes each others buttons, what makes each other happy, our favorite everything and those super secrets no one else knows. Having someone like that is a whole other joy.
     Thank you just for simply being you. You inspire me to be a softer person, motivate me to do more and see more and feel more than just the surface layer. We are complete opposites yet still the same in a way. There is nobody else that could deal with my crazy self the way you can.
     But most of all thank you for loving me. Loving all my quirks and corks. My grumpy moods and my crabby morning attitude. I am one hard person to love and you do the best job at it.
     That is the best thing about our friendship. You are a person that makes everything better. We are still those two little spontaneous girls that road tripped almost every weekend. Those little girls that flipped the go-cart and almost died. Everything that you are for me, I am for you. I am here, even if it is in the background. I love you to death. You are my bridge, my safe place, my home.