Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Woman

A woman.

A woman that is always smiling.

A woman that is always giving.

Who always tries to make everyone else happy.

She loves when she can make someone laugh through their tears. To bring a little bit of hope back into someone's life.

She is so busy worrying about everyone around her that she neglects her own life. She puts everyone else's problems before her own.

She hides her emotions from the friends that honestly want to know what is going on in her life. She doesn't want to bother them. She doesn't want to weigh them down with her own misery. So she is simply "fine."

On rare occasions she will open up. She will end with "No Worries." So no one will worry about her.

When she walks into a room, it is like the sun instantly shines upon everyone around her.

She supports everyone else in their journey while handling her own struggles.

She depends only on herself and moves forward very courageously.

She respects herself enough to know he own worth.

She works until the job is finished. No excuses. She rarely ever throws in the towel. She pushes until she is satisfied with her progress.

A woman with a beautiful soul.

A woman with everything I aspire to become.

A woman.

Sound familiar?

The Milk Myth

The glass is half empty, your stomach is entirely full, but you can still hear your parents ringing in your ear “Better finish your milk if you want strong bones.” What if I told you they were wrong.

As kids we were forced to finish our milk at the dinner table. At school a carton of milk was mandatory with lunch. That white liquid was involuntary at every breakfast outing. Why? Our parents told us it was because we were “growing boys and girls.”

Milk, endorsed by numerous athletes and celebrities in the “Got Milk?” epidemic, is said to be filled with abounding amounts of calcium, vitamins A and D, protein and other nutrients that we think are beneficial to our bodies. That’s the thing, we think. Just because we are told it has all the nutrients we could ever want, we believe it. Countless studies have said the complete opposite. One glass of milk contains foreign animal-made protein, pimple like pus cells, feces, injected antibiotics and growth hormones and an abundance of unnecessary fat, cholesterol and calories. Not what you thought?

Ready for the biggest plot twist ever? Milk does not actually make your bones stronger. Mind blown. It actually increases calcium loss in bones.

Humans are the only species that drink another species milk. Cow's milk is not designed for humans, it is designed for calves, who only drink their mother’s milk until they are about 8 months old. The same rule applies to any other mammal species. So why are we still drinking it? Imagine a cow drinking a human’s milk. Weird.

Because cow's milk is not made for humans, when we consume it, it deregulates our body’s pH. Our bodies see cow milk as a foreign invader which will cause our immune system to overreact. While fighting off this strange liquid, it actually draws calcium out of the bones it is ironically suppose to be “strengthening.”

People who are lactose intolerant are just an example of why our bodies are not designed to consume milk. They are unable to fully digest it, because they lack the enzyme to break it down.

Did you know when you drink milk you are putting the same pus cells that are in zits, in your mouth? I did. You are disgusting. There are about 1,120,000 pus or somatic cells in just in teaspoon of milk. Think about a whole glass of that nastiness.

Not only is milk not designed for our bodies. Most milk you find in grocery stores near you is not only pasteurized but also contains hormones not intended for humans. The goal of the pasteurization of milk is to kill the harmful bacteria by heating it up to boiling temperatures. Manipulating the milk this way, destroys some nutritiants and a majority of the enzymes we think we are getting. Do not even get me started on the hormones. Cows are routinely given antibiotics and injected with rBGH, a genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone, which is a hormone that was created to unnaturally increase milk production in a cow. By the time the milk reaches our glasses at the dinner table most hormones have been weeded out, but there are still some that slip through. By drinking milk you are consuming a hormone intended for cows, which in return messes up the hormones in a human’s body. Studies done by Harvard University have linked this hormone injection with many cancers in humans. Need I say more?

Now you are saying “What am I supposed to drink?” I am about to come in clutch. Not all milk is evil. There are many alternatives to pasteurized, hormone injected, pus filled, fake calcium milk. The most popular alternative is almond milk. It is so easy to make, you could even make it at home. Soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk and hemp milk are also good substitutes. I am not lying, to actually make your bones stronger eat spinach, kale or yogurt. They contain more calcium than milk and they are all easier to digest. Do not listen to your parents.

Next time when you throw one back and you end up with a milk mustache, think about all that calcium you did not get, those pus cells and the hormones and pasteurization particles that are sitting on your top lip. Gross.