Sunday, July 31, 2016

Big Headed Humans Only Want To Be Animals

     As humans we see ourselves as dominate. We have the larger brain, we know more than any other species in the world. We are the best of the best. But then we tend to think animals are lower than us, because they can't figure out how to solve a math equation, or drive a car. Humans can send rockets to the moon, but all the scientist in the world couldn't design and operate a bumblebee's wings. We can't jump or run very fast, and we cant wait carry enormous weighs like an ant can. We can't see in the dark or fly, except crammed in a noisy airplane like sardines. Yet, we are "the greatest species to live". 
     Animals are amazing creatures. And yet we still think they have no consciousness or soul. They talk, they have families, they feel things, and some want to be alone while others like company. They care for their young like a tribe. They play, travel, and medicate themselves when they get sick. They cry when someone in the herd dies and celebrate when a new member of the herd is born.
     And us humans gets so caught up in getting smarter, bigger, and better, we lost all the natural qualities to an animal that is most important. We think that we have evolved above animals, but not with the virtues that matter. We strive so hard to get to the top, that we loose the ability to show love to our own kind, to live life in ways we should, relaxing and spending time with family, and we loose our ability to even enjoy ourselves anymore. So now when you declare ourselves "dominate" we only now are attempting to achieve the souls that animals have naturally.